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What is Hadron?

Hadron is a decentralized deep learning platform enabling developers to build and distribute AiApps to end-users. We believe the power and advantages of AI should be accessible to all people, and not to just the few. We are working with Huobi to test a beta version of our first AiApp built in-house: Hedge.

Hedge uses deep learning to analyze and filter through thousands of financial data sources, including news reports and social media posts, and surfaces the most timely and newsworthy information for those following cryptocurrency markets.

What is the Hedge Index™ score?

The Hedge Index is a proprietary score (0-100) developed by Hadron that analyzes and tracks sentiment from press and social media coverage of various equities and markets. A score of 50 indicates “neutral” sentiment, while 0 and 100 indicate highly negative and positive sentiment, respectively.

Hadron is constantly improving the Hedge Index by incorporating additional sources for sentiment analysis and adjusting algorithm performance.

What are your next steps?

We are focused on three areas of improvement for Hedge:

  1. Improve the accuracy and performance of Hedge’s A.I. by teaching it to recognize what kinds of news articles and social media posts are most likely to influence financial markets.

  2. Expand and refine the data sources to analyze.

  3. Deploy API access to Hedge for our partners in the financial sector. If you’re interested in hearing more about our upcoming launches, follow us on Twitter or join our Telegram.

Learn more about Hadron